The following functions which were deprecated in the 0.0.5 release have now been removed from the package and will now signal an error of class defunctError if called.
The use of these could be a little confusing and it was hard to achieve
consistency with their APIs. reaggregate_counts()
and reaggregate_rates()
can be used to replicate most of the old functionality.
where, in some circumstances, the last
row of the data frame output would have an incorrect value.cut_ages()
. This refactoring has
resulted in minor tweaks to the given error messages as well as a small bug
fix relating to how max_upper
argument was being rounded (i.e. we were
calling round()
rather than raising to the next integer(ish) number with
as intended).Adds new functions reaggregate_counts()
and reaggregate_rates()
provide a simplified API for reaggregation compared to
and reaggregate_interval_rates()
. These
use an elegant approach to reaggregation suggested by @BlackEdder.
Deprecates (with warning of class "deprecatedWarning") the following functions:
The use of these could be a little confusing and it was hard to achieve
consistency with their APIs. reaggregate_counts()
and reaggregate_rates()
can be used to replicate most of the old functionality.
which caused the first entry
of the output to be incorrect when the breaks
were not specified from 0
Thanks to @BlackEdder for the report.aggregate_age_counts()
will now only return a row corresponding to NA ages
if they were present in the input data. Previously an NA-associated row would
always be returned even if it's count was 0. Due to this change
will now never return an NA-associated row.
now matches the documentation and disallows missing
(NA) bounds.
and cut_ages()
both gain an argument, max_upper
which allows users to explicitly set the maximum upper bound.
New function reaggregate_interval_rates()
For the vignette we now use markdown as a lighter alternative to rmarkdown.
Initial release of ageutils
which provides a collection of efficient functions
for working with individual ages and corresponding intervals. These include
functions for efficient conversion from an age to an interval, aggregation of
ages with associated counts in to intervals and the splitting of interval counts
based on specified age distributions.
Functions are derived from those in the ympes with the intention being to remove these functions from that package in favour of this one going forward.